A Closer Walk CMaj.......... Closer Walk (Verse)
A Closer Walk CMaj......... Closer Walk (Chorus)
Closer Walk GMaj Verse...... Closer Walk (Verse)
Closer Walk GMaj Chorus .. Closer Walk (Chorus)
I Surrender All ............... I Surrender All (Verse)
I Surrender All ............... I Surrender All (Chorus)
We'll Understand It ........ By and By (Verse)
We'll Understand It ........ By and By (Chorus)
God Be With You ......... God Be With You

"Sunday at Home," by Joseph M. Kronheim, 1880.
The work is in the public domain.

"Old Tyme Hymns by Ed Shaw"

"Public Domain Arrangements"

"Print Your Own Copies"

Recordings on Soundcloud Hosting

Recordings on Drooble (click "Music")

Backing Track for Closer Walk in CMaj



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