Mode #4

Learning the Pentatonic Modes

Mode Four

By now, we hope readers are making the connections on what to look for in lateral movements up and down the neck. There is a teaching adage, "Wherever you are, you have three options, up, down, or stay on the same note." We'll add a third option. You can go sideways.
Say, you are on the 10th fret C note. You can make a lateral move to the 12th fret D note and work your way up to the 15th fret G note, to add interest.

When you hear your Guitar Hero flying up and down the neck like a Babylonian idol, chances are he is employing this very system.

We have one more, Mode #5, where the fifth degree G note is on the 15th fret of the bass E string. One thing to say is that this mode as usually taught will have the students into frets 15 - 19, not the usual territory to be in when learning something new, on account of the tricky fingering of the higher frets. On the other hand, some students are eager to get to playing high on the neck, the higher the better. In fairness to all, we will chart both positions of Mode #5, the tricky 15th fret G and position #1, where the G note is rooted on the third fret, much easier.